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Connecting with Others

We have faced the dreaded silence before: when the conversation lulls and you wonder if you should find a way to revive the conversation or run away. It is an awkward encounter, even if you have faced it a hundred times. So, this week, discover new ways to connect with others and move past the awkward small talk and silence.

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Many jobs will place you inside, away from the sunshine, fresh air, and green spaces. If you work in a building all day, you likely work in artificial lighting conditions with limited exposure to the natural sunlight. Even if you have to work inside, there are tiny but powerful ways to invite sunshine into your life.

While we have more sunlight each day, let’s find out how we can make the most of the sunshine for our mental well-being this summer.

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Declutter Your Space

The pile of clothes on the chair. The pile up of dishes in the sink or dishwasher. The boxes of stuff sitting in your garage. It feels like the clutter is everywhere. Then, this clutter translates into your mental space—you have laundry to do, dishes to wash, and boxes of stuff to go through and either keep or discard…

In the midst of all the clutter, you become overwhelmed with all the stuff and all the tasks. Maybe, you think, you might just throw everything away and start over (but then again there is a lot of emotional attachment to everything).

This week, find out how tidying up your physical space can invite mental clarity and some exercises for decluttering your physical and mental space.

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Green Spaces

In our busy, modern world, you may not have ample opportunity to connect with nature. If you work in an office or building all day, you might miss the calming green of nature.

This week, let’s dive into the green spaces and bring them back into our lives. With the warm spring air, you might already be inviting plants into your home. Whether you are an aspiring plant parent or just looking to add a touch of nature into your home, let’s create serene, verdant spaces in our homes (or offices, too!).

Let’s breathe new life into our spaces!

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Grounding Techniques

Grounding is a coping strategy designed to “ground” you into the present moment with your mind, body, and surroundings. Many people have used grounding techniques to cope with flashbacks, dissociation, anxiety, or even upsetting thoughts and memories.

The best part about grounding? Most techniques are portable, meaning you can take them wherever you go!

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A woman with glasses looking up and thinking.

Reflection or Rumination?

Reflection is a normal piece of processing an event. Reflection and introspection is important for personal growth and self-awareness. Through reflection, we can grow, make decisions that align with our goals and values, foster compassion for ourselves, and build the lives we want to live.

But what happens when we ‘reflect’ too much? Most importantly, how do we stop the overthinking that makes us feel so terrible?

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Breathing Space Psychotherapy logo includes the triskelion symbol with 3 waving lines in the middle. The logo's color is green.

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