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Circle of Control

With any given situation, there are things within our control and then there are things that are maybe unfortunate but completely out of our control. Sometimes, it feels like there are way more things out of our control and life ends up happening to us. But there are still many things that are in our control, so this week, let’s challenge ourselves to think: what can we control?

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You Matter to Me

How often do you let someone know they matter to you? Do you let them know you appreciate them? When we get caught up in the busywork, we can forget the simple yet profound impact the words “You matter to me” can have.

It does not always take grand gestures to show someone they matter to you. Often small, thoughtful acts are what leave the biggest impression. This week, let’s explore meaningful ways to remind the people in our life how much they mean to us.

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A road with the text "Slow" written in yellow on the road.

Slow Living

In these days, we strive for maximum efficiency. Multi-tasking. Automations. Speedy technology. We have options for instant communication across the world. We can search for a question online and have an answer within seconds. 

With everything expected to be fast or instant, we get caught up in this slipstream of hustle culture. But, what’s the rush?

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Morning Routine

Habits are both hard to maintain and to break. It’s common to end up making a habit that you didn’t intend to make, like sleeping in during the summer season. Weeks go by and now the habit is ingrained in your routine and difficult to shake off. To make matters more frustrating, the habits you do want to build are having a hard time sticking to your schedule.

This week, let’s look at our morning routines and maybe shake things up a little bit so you can get an extra morning boost for a productive and happy day.

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June is PTSD Awareness Month

PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental health condition in which people experience a variety of symptoms that impair functioning after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.

In recognition of PTSD Awareness Month, let’s deepen our understanding of trauma and PTSD. Read on to discover how you can join the movement to raise awareness.

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Connecting with Others

We have faced the dreaded silence before: when the conversation lulls and you wonder if you should find a way to revive the conversation or run away. It is an awkward encounter, even if you have faced it a hundred times. So, this week, discover new ways to connect with others and move past the awkward small talk and silence.

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Many jobs will place you inside, away from the sunshine, fresh air, and green spaces. If you work in a building all day, you likely work in artificial lighting conditions with limited exposure to the natural sunlight. Even if you have to work inside, there are tiny but powerful ways to invite sunshine into your life.

While we have more sunlight each day, let’s find out how we can make the most of the sunshine for our mental well-being this summer.

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Declutter Your Space

The pile of clothes on the chair. The pile up of dishes in the sink or dishwasher. The boxes of stuff sitting in your garage. It feels like the clutter is everywhere. Then, this clutter translates into your mental space—you have laundry to do, dishes to wash, and boxes of stuff to go through and either keep or discard…

In the midst of all the clutter, you become overwhelmed with all the stuff and all the tasks. Maybe, you think, you might just throw everything away and start over (but then again there is a lot of emotional attachment to everything).

This week, find out how tidying up your physical space can invite mental clarity and some exercises for decluttering your physical and mental space.

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Green Spaces

In our busy, modern world, you may not have ample opportunity to connect with nature. If you work in an office or building all day, you might miss the calming green of nature.

This week, let’s dive into the green spaces and bring them back into our lives. With the warm spring air, you might already be inviting plants into your home. Whether you are an aspiring plant parent or just looking to add a touch of nature into your home, let’s create serene, verdant spaces in our homes (or offices, too!).

Let’s breathe new life into our spaces!

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