We make choices every day and all day: what to wear for the day, what to eat, and what activities we engage in. Over our lives, we've chosen our habits, hobbies, and jobs—although, it may feel like having a job and going to work is not a choice. But we'll examine that this week: big or small, what choices do we have?
Many closed doors to choose from

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

When we don’t have a choice, we may feel powerless or like we have no control. Maybe we’ll feel down or depressed; maybe, we slow down or grow resistant or hesitant toward the task; maybe we lose our energy or motivation. But, why does this happen? In a 3-minute read, Susan Weinschenk from Psychology Today shares Why Having Choices Makes Us Feel Powerful.

We cannot control our feelings—although, we may be quick to blame or condemn ourselves for feeling a certain way. We can, however, control our actions. We can temper and influence our feelings and moods by choosing situations, our relationships, our environments, or our activities. In short, Choose Your Actions, Not Your Feelings (a 3-minute read).

Lastly, further explore how choices make us feel powerful through the lens of the self-determination theory (an 8-minute read).

Practice of the Week

Now, we’ve examined choices and control, and we know that we can control our actions, but is that what we’re telling ourselves? Let’s look at a couple of ways we can change our language:

  • Replace “I should be…” with “I choose to…” When we tell ourselves “I should be going to the gym,” “I should be eating healthy,” or “I should be meditating,” do you feel motivated and energized to do so? Most likely, you’ll answer “no.” Instead, it may feel like adding another chore to the endless list of “should-be” and “should-have.” Instead, honor your autonomy and control by replacing it with “I choose to…” 
  • Explore your why. With most choices, you can ask yourself “why?”
    • For example, “Why did you choose the salmon? Well, I had lamb last night and I wanted something light? Why did you want something light? I’m thinking of my health? Why are you thinking of your health? Health is important to me? Why is health important to you? I want to live a long, happy life? Why do you want to live a long, happy life? I just do. I want to see my grandkids grow up, I want to check off the bucket list, and I just want a long, happy life. At this point, there’s nowhere else to go really.” (example from this article
  • Focus on what you can control—on the choices you do have. When the big choices feel overwhelming or not viable, shift your focus to the small choices.
    • Example 1: Maybe leaving a draining job does not feel like a viable choice right now, so let’s focus on how we choose to spend our moments when we return home from work. For example, upon returning home from work today, I choose to hug my partner for five minutes before we talk about our days or say anything.
    • Example 2: We can’t change our friends’ feelings when they’re going through a difficult time, and we can’t control what they do. What we can do, however, is hold space for them, offer a hug, or offer other forms of support. (See our 5-minute blog post for more ways to help a struggling friend.)

In this 20-minute podcast, Jen from Dare to Self Care says that “You can be whoever you want to be. You have a choice.” Jen shares what helped them take on each identity they wanted to be in their life (e.g., a morning person, a runner, and a podcaster) and how they formed habits by using their power to choose. 

What are you choosing to do this week? Let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

Are you a creative soul? Are you interested in Art Therapy?
Art therapy is not just for the creative souls, although creative souls may certainly enjoy art therapy!

Sometimes words are hard, and verbalizing our emotions, experiences, or struggles is a daunting task. Art therapy allows you to express yourself through the process of making art. Please note: you do not have to be an artist to benefit from art therapy. 

Melissa Compton is a trauma-informed art therapist and mental health professional. She utilizes an eclectic approach and provides a safe, non-judgmental, and comfortable healing space for you to process your experience. 
Please call 315.516.8466 to begin your art therapy sessions with Melissa!

What happens in an Art Therapy session? Learn more about art therapy on our blog!

Join Tati, back by popular demand, for her next series of Family Constellations and Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshops!

In April, Tati visited the U.S. for the first time to hold workshops and healing sessions in Erieville and Fayetteville, NY, all of which had such a positive reception that people requested more! Join Tati for her return in October and the next series of workshops and healing sessions.

Tati owns a healing and psychotherapy practice working with sacred plant medicine, ancestral healing, and art therapy in her home in Ecuador.

Family Constellations is a type of therapeutic approach that focuses on exploring the dynamics within a person’s family system, including their relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members, even ancestors. This approach can be used to address a variety of issues, such as relationship difficulties, emotional blocks, and unresolved traumas.

This workshop involves a group of participants who come together to explore their own family dynamics through a series of exercises and discussions led by our facilitator, Tatian Davila, a psychotherapist, healer, and seeker of ancestral knowledge. Tati will offer 2 workshops as well as individual healings. The workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio in Erieville, NY.

The Family Constellations Workshop will be held on October 28, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm. 

The Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshop will be held on October 29, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm.
Both workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio
3455 Erieville Road
Erieville, NY 13061

Individual Healing Sessions will be held in Fayetteville, NY from October 30th through November 3rd.

You asked for more; we delivered! Back by Popular Demand:
Unlock Your Mind and Journey to Self Discovery at Our Summer Ketamine-Assisted Experiential Psychotherapy Retreat

Our first KAP retreat in April had such a positive reception and requests for more that we’re excited to share our Summer KAP Retreat in August!

One Ketamine Journey—lots of deep dives into experiential therapy incorporating meditation, writing, art making, yoga, and other body-centered modalities. Step away from the stressors of daily life and fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process. We will use Ketamine and experiential therapy to break through the stuck places to find more freedom, pace, and motivation!
Zoom Preparation Session: Thursday, July 27th from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Thursday, August 3rd from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Friday, August 4th from 10-6 pm.
In-person: Saturday, August 5th from 9-5 pm.
Zoom Integration Session: Thursday, August 10th from 6-8 pm.

Want to learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? Check out the blog

New Meditation Session!
Mondays 7:30-8:30pm online
$50 for 10 sessions

We are offering another guided meditation! Perfect for beginners! Join us for a guided meditation and journal session.

The Thought of the Week

It's Choose-day. Choose kindness. Choose passion. Choose gratitude. Choose happiness. Choose yourself.

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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Breathing Space Psychotherapy logo includes the triskelion symbol with 3 waving lines in the middle. The logo's color is green.

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