Do you work hard to achieve your goals but feel like you get nowhere? Or do you set a goal and feel highly motivated at the beginning but fall off a few weeks after? Do you struggle to see yourself achieving your goals in the next few years?

Let's try setting a SMART goal! SMART is a mnemonic acronym that provides the criteria for setting clear and achievable goals. This week, we'll break down SMART goals and explore how to turn your ambitions into clear, accessible goals. Plus, see how reframing your thoughts from results to actions helps you achieve your goals.
An open planner beside envelopes

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

In an 11-minute video, Dr. K from HealthyGamerGG shares how to Reframe From Goals to Actions. Having a clear goal helps us with direction, but when we focus too much on our goal, we move farther away from our goal. Conversely, “focusing on the action, and ignoring the result, actually moves you closer to the result.” You cannot completely control your results, but you can control your actions.

As we continue on to our practice of the week, keep this in mind as you set your SMART goal. 

Practice of the Week

For this exercise, you’ll want to take out the journaling method that works best for you, such as pen and paper, a blank document on your computer, a speech-to-text, etc. 

First, think of an area of your life where you want to focus, e.g., health, relationships, career, financials, adventure, soul, personal development, or creativity. Then think about what you want to achieve in this area of your life and answer the questions below. Feel free to bounce between the questions, skip and come back to them. 

S: Specific

(simple, sensible, significant)
A vague goal is difficult to achieve because the unclear parameters will feel out of reach and overwhelming. To work out the specifics, let’s answer the 5 “W”s:

  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • Why is this goal important?
  • Who is involved?
  • Where is it located? 
  • Which resources or limits, either internally or externally, are involved?

M: Measurable

(meaningful, motivating)
Measurable goals will help us track our progress and stay motivated. Tracking our progress also helps with evaluating if we are meeting our deadlines.

  • How much, or how many?
  • How will I know when my goal is accomplished or when I have succeeded?
  • How many accomplishments or actions will it take?
  • What are my milestones and at which points will I reward myself?

A: Achievable

(agreed, attainable)
Making sure our goal is achievable and realistic means that the goal should stretch our abilities but still remain possible and not wear us out to the point of exhaustion and burnout. 

  • How can I accomplish this goal?
  • How realistic is this goal based on other constraints and limits?
  • What things in your life will make it harder to achieve this goal?
  • What things in your life will support this goal?
  • What support will I need to achieve this goal?

R: Relevant

(reasonable, realistic, resourced)
A goal that is meaningful and matters to us is one we’ll be more motivated to achieve and retain control over. Furthermore, a goal that is relevant to us right now may have fewer obstacles or feel more fulfilling or more motivating to achieve. We can have goals that matter to us but may not be entirely relevant right now. It’s okay to set them aside for now. 

  • Is this the right time?
  • Does this seem worthwhile?
  • Does this match my other efforts or needs?
  • What will be different after?
  • Am I willing to commit my time and energy to this goal right now?

T: Time-bound
(timely, time/cost limited, time-sensitive)
Goals with a time limit or a deadline can help us stay focused on keeping on track. However, unrealistic time limits and deadlines can feel challenging and demotivate us from achieving our goals. Pressuring ourselves to commit to a set deadline may feel stressful, but having a loose timeline can have us falling into the trap of procrastination and pushing it off to “someday.”

  • What can I do six months from now?
  • What can I do six weeks from now?
  • What can I do today?
  • What is a small yet incremental step that I can incorporate into my daily or weekly routine, so that I am keeping steady progress?
  • When and how often will I check in on my progress and re-evaluate?

What are your SMART goals? Share with us on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

Getting the Love You Want
Couples Workshop

There are a few spots left!
August 18-20

If you are feeling stuck in conflict with your partner or looking to improve your connection, this workshop is for you!

Getting The Love You Want Workshops are unique in that they go beyond teaching effective communication strategies. They teach a format for dialoguing that creates safety and space for both partners to be seen and heard while maintaining a sense of connection even through difference. They do a deep dive into the sensitive areas in relationship, explore their origins and identify a road map for mutual healing a growth.

This is an opportunity to shift from stuck patterns of conflict to viewing conflict in a new fresh lens, instead as a key to personal and relational transformation.

Discover More

Melissa Compton is a trauma-informed art therapist and mental health professional. Melissa offers art therapy as an adjunct to current therapy, and she utilizes an eclectic approach and provides a safe, non-judgmental, and comfortable healing space for you to process your experience. 
Please call 315.516.8466 to begin your art therapy sessions with Melissa!

We’re excited to share our new page for our newsletters!
Looking for a previous newsletter but it’s buried in your inbox? You can find it on our website now under the Newsletters page.

Check Out Our Newsletter Page!

Join Tati, back by popular demand, for her next series of Family Constellations and Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshops!

Tati owns a healing and psychotherapy practice working with sacred plant medicine, ancestral healing, and art therapy in her home in Ecuador.

In April, Tati visited the U.S. for the first time to hold workshops and healing sessions in Erieville and Fayetteville, NY, all of which had such a positive reception that people requested more! Join Tati for her return in October and the next series of workshops and healing sessions.

Family Constellations is a type of therapeutic approach that focuses on exploring the dynamics within a person’s family system, including their relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members, even ancestors. This approach can be used to address a variety of issues, such as relationship difficulties, emotional blocks, and unresolved traumas.

This workshop involves a group of participants who come together to explore their own family dynamics through a series of exercises and discussions led by our facilitator, Tatian Davila, a psychotherapist, healer, and seeker of ancestral knowledge. Tati will offer 2 workshops as well as individual healings. The workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio in Erieville, NY.

The Family Constellations Workshop will be held on October 28, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm. 

The Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshop will be held on October 29, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm.

Both workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio
3455 Erieville Road
Erieville, NY 13061

Individual Healing Sessions will be held in Fayetteville, NY from October 30th through November 3rd.

Register here!

You asked for more; we delivered! Back by Popular Demand:
Unlock Your Mind and Journey to Self Discovery at Our Summer Ketamine-Assisted Experiential Psychotherapy Retreat

Our first KAP retreat in April had such a positive reception and requests for more that we’re excited to share our Summer KAP Retreat in August!

One Ketamine Journey—lots of deep dives into experiential therapy incorporating meditation, writing, art making, yoga, and other body-centered modalities. Step away from the stressors of daily life and fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process. We will use Ketamine and experiential therapy to break through the stuck places to find more freedom, pace, and motivation!
Zoom Preparation Session: Thursday, July 27th from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Thursday, August 3rd from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Friday, August 4th from 10-6 pm.
In-person: Saturday, August 5th from 9-5 pm.
Zoom Integration Session: Thursday, August 10th from 6-8 pm.

Register here!

Want to learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? Check out the blog

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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