Whether or not you are enjoying the celebrations, family or other gatherings, and holiday spirit, these few weeks can be overwhelming and stressful with the weight of expectations, obligations, traditions, or loss. The weight of these stresses can muddle our thoughts and dampen our mood, but one way we can gain mental clarity is by journaling.
journal and two pens

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Journaling is a versatile tool: you can journal for mental clarity, processing emotions, learning about yourself, and more! In this 11-minute video, you’ll learn 9 Journaling Techniques including journaling for mental clarity, breaking your mindset, daily reflections, habits and lifestyles audit, when bad things happen, anxieties, your to-do list and direction, decision-making, and direction in life. Please mind the content warning near the beginning.

Practice of the Week

If you’ve pulled out a pen and paper (or your keyboard and Word processor) but you’re struggling to put words to the page, here is a list of 30 Journaling Prompts for the Holidays. This list includes prompts about the holidays in general, family and other relationships, traveling, and gratitude. 

We also have a few prompts for each of the topics we’ve covered in our “During the Holidays” newsletters this year. 

Boundaries During the Holidays: How do we set boundaries during the holidays?

  1. What makes me uncomfortable?
  2. If someone reacts negatively to a boundary I’ve set, how can I honor myself without letting that person cross my boundary?
  3. What fears hold me back from communicating my boundaries? 

Grief During the Holidays: You are NOT a grinch. You’re in grief.

  1. “The losses I want to honor this year include… I can honor my losses this season by…”
  2. What traditions will I miss this year? Is there any way to honor those traditions in another way?
  3. Write a care plan: how will I tend to the wounds left by the grief & loss I’ve experienced? How will I tend to my emotional health? How will I honor the grieving process? 

Self-Care During the Holidays: Remembering the “me” in merry ?

  1. What does my ideal day right now look like? Where am I? Who am I with? What are we doing? 
  2. What is energizing me? What is draining me? 
  3. What can I declutter physically or emotionally to find more ease or simplicity?

Mental Health Check-in: How are you doing? 

  1. What strategies and tools have been working for me? What do I need more of?
  2. What strategies and tools have NOT been working for me? What do I need less of?
  3. What am I feeling right now? What is showing up in my body or in my thoughts?

How was your journaling session? Let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page!

Meditation of the Week

Our thoughts, obligations, and stresses can feel like they’re pulling us in every direction and clouding our minds. Cultivate your focus by using this meditation by Caitlin, one of our interns. 

News of the Week

Please note the change in date. Although this event is not being hosted by Breathing Space, we wholeheartedly endorse it! Check it out!

with Michael Diamond, Medium
Hosted by Amy Asante
In Person – Syracuse NYApril 1 & 2, 2023
There’s an awakening happening around the world. More and more modern-day intuitives, mystics, and healers are activating their intuitive abilities, stepping into their power, and becoming a light for others. We all have innate intuition – an instinctive awareness of energies, information, and guidance. However, many of us doubt it. Come explore ways to better understand what’s happening in your life and what’s to come in the future. Come explore ways to improve your intuitive abilities and how to use those skills in your everyday life.

Fee: $349 to register

What You’ll Receive
Two Live Interactive Days: Michael Diamond and Monique Lang will lead you through a 2-day live weekend workshop, including various discussions, guided meditations, breakout and group exercises, Q&A, and much, much more. Guided Meditations: Michael and Monique will help you to reset, re-imagine, and reconnect to your intuition and enhance your meditation practice.

Alternative Payment Options are available on a case-by-case basis. Please email us at [email protected] to reserve your seat with alternative payment options.

This is your friendly reminder that we offer low-cost therapy options. Caitlin Raab and Kayla Hamilton offer individual therapy on a sliding scale. Read their blurbs below to learn more about what they offer!

Caitlin Raab (she/her) approaches sessions with a focus on introspection, mindfulness, and relaxation strategies. She also focuses on parent and post-partum support, child and teen mental health, and anxiety management.
To learn more about Caitlin, check out her page at breathingspacepsychotherapy.com/caitlin!

Kayla Hamilton (she/her) has an eclectic approach and, most importantly, approaches sessions with where you are at. She focuses on anxiety, life changes and transitions, adolescents and teens, and communication issues.
To learn more about Kayla, check out her page at breathingspacepsychotherapy.com/kayla!

Yoga Classes

Would you be interested in attending a yoga class at the Breathing Space Studio in Erieville? Let us know by filling out this short survey!

Please also note that we had to cancel the Reiki Immersion and Sound Bath Healing Workshop, but we will look to provide this workshop in the new year, so stay tuned!

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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