When you started your work, maybe you felt like a tall candle. You stand proud and eager to light the workplace with your passion, energy, and work. But eventually, the flame burns away at the candle. If you don't renew the candle, you'll end up with a low flame and a worn-out wick.

This week, we're looking at the burned-out wick and how we can recover from it so we have a bright, long-lasting flame.
A collection of matches standing up with one burnt out match curled over.

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

 Let’s begin with the basics: What is Burnout (a 6-minute video)? Burnout is a reaction to prolonged stress characterized by exhaustion, cynicism or detachment, and less efficiency with your work tasks. So, if you find that you’re constantly exhausted, you hate your job or dread going to work, and feel less efficient and capable at work, then you may be experiencing burnout. 

Practice of the Week

Dr. K from HealthGamerGG shares his story about productivity and burnout in this 19-minute video. Dr. K first begins with the fundamentals: what does “work” mean? Then, he builds from the idea of energy management to acknowledge that not all work is the same: some forms of work will invigorate you, while others will drain you.

How do we develop a work lifestyle and routine that works with our energy levels, not against them? In this 17-minute video, Rowena Tsai shares her productivity system: energy management.

If you feel like a burned-out candle wick, then let’s look at ways we can recover from burnout. In this 4-minute video, Kati Morton guides us through prompts to explore what type of break we need to recharge. Plus, PsychologyToday shares 7 Ways to Recover from Burnout in a 4-minute article:

  1. Start with your body. Nourish your body and engage in your self-care routines. 
  2. Pinpoint which of these six areas are causing your problems: workload, control (or lack thereof), rewards, fairness, community, or values. 
  3. Look to the future. What would it take for you to be engaged with your work?
  4. Try to make a better match.
  5. If improving your current job doesn’t work, make some big decisions.
  6. Delegate
  7. Diversify your time. Take time to do the things you want to do—not just what you should do.

Remember: recovery from burnout can be a long process. You may not recover from burnout in a week’s vacation time. Rather, it may take weeks, months, or even years to recover from burnout. This is why it’s important to incorporate frequent breaks and rejuvenating self-care activities into our routines. 

What are your self-care strategies for recovering from or preventing burnout? Share your tips and creativity with us on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

We’re excited to share our new page for our newsletters!
Looking for a previous newsletter but it’s buried in your inbox? You can find it on our website now under the Newsletters page. 

Check Out Our Newsletter Page!

Join Tati, back by popular demand, for her next series of Family Constellations and Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshops!

Tati owns a healing and psychotherapy practice working with sacred plant medicine, ancestral healing, and art therapy in her home in Ecuador.

In April, Tati visited the U.S. for the first time to hold workshops and healing sessions in Erieville and Fayetteville, NY, all of which had such a positive reception that people requested more! Join Tati for her return in October and the next series of workshops and healing sessions.

Family Constellations is a type of therapeutic approach that focuses on exploring the dynamics within a person’s family system, including their relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members, even ancestors. This approach can be used to address a variety of issues, such as relationship difficulties, emotional blocks, and unresolved traumas.

This workshop involves a group of participants who come together to explore their own family dynamics through a series of exercises and discussions led by our facilitator, Tatian Davila, a psychotherapist, healer, and seeker of ancestral knowledge. Tati will offer 2 workshops as well as individual healings. The workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio in Erieville, NY.

The Family Constellations Workshop will be held on October 28, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm. 

The Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshop will be held on October 29, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm.

Both workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio
3455 Erieville Road
Erieville, NY 13061

Individual Healing Sessions will be held in Fayetteville, NY from October 30th through November 3rd.

Register here!

You asked for more; we delivered! Back by Popular Demand:
Unlock Your Mind and Journey to Self Discovery at Our Summer Ketamine-Assisted Experiential Psychotherapy Retreat

Our first KAP retreat in April had such a positive reception and requests for more that we’re excited to share our Summer KAP Retreat in August!

One Ketamine Journey—lots of deep dives into experiential therapy incorporating meditation, writing, art making, yoga, and other body-centered modalities. Step away from the stressors of daily life and fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process. We will use Ketamine and experiential therapy to break through the stuck places to find more freedom, pace, and motivation!
Zoom Preparation Session: Thursday, July 27th from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Thursday, August 3rd from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Friday, August 4th from 10-6 pm.
In-person: Saturday, August 5th from 9-5 pm.
Zoom Integration Session: Thursday, August 10th from 6-8 pm.

Register here!

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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