The benefits of sleep are pretty endless! This week we are offering you some resources to find out WHY and HOW.
planner and eyeglasses placed on table near anonymous woman and dog sleeping on sofa

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Let’s start with the top 15 reasons sleep is good for us. 

1. Sleeping Helps You Prevent and Fight Off Infections
2. Good Sleep Benefits Your Heart Health
3. Satisfying Rest Prevents Cancer
4. Regular Z’s Level Out Your Blood Sugar
5. Adequate Sleep Equals Longevity
6. Restful Nights Boost Your Workouts
7. You’re More Attractive when Well-Rested
8. It Slows Down Aging
9. Sleeping Helps You Lose Weight
10. It Reduces Stress
11. Being Rested Makes You Friendlier
12. Sleeping Boosts Self-Confidence
13. Good Sleep Makes You a Better Romantic Partner
14. It Helps with Depression
15. It Helps with Anxiety

How much do we need?
How many hours of sleep are enough for good health? 

Practice of the Week

WHY do we need better sleep?

What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

Sleep is your superpower

HOW do we get better sleep?

Sleep Smarter

How To Improve Your Sleep

Guided Sleep Meditation

The Thought of the Week

A list of bedtime affirmations for a good night's sleep. I am calm and peaceful now that my day is done. I've done my best today. I'm proud of what I did today. My body is relaxed. I let go of all that no longer serves me. My heart is grateful. I'm ready to receive through my dreams. Thank you for this opportunity to reset my mind. All is well and in perfect order.

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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