The Idea and Practice of the Week
Our goal with this week’s newsletter is to encourage you to take your screen time focus off social media and instead, shift your perspective. Why not trying to see the technology at our finger tips as an opportunity to help us find more peace, more calm, more insight and more awareness.
We have put together a list of apps/websites that you can can access right from your phone or computer. There are some with a fee, some that have a free trial period and some that are totally free. It is worth checking them out to see if they could work for you!
Overall Mental Health
Insight Timer
Simple Habit
Sober Grid
Online AA Meetings
BIPOC Mental Health Support
Creating New Habits
Quit That!
Yoga at Home
Yoga for Beginners
Yoga Glo
Down Dog
For Teens
Mental Health Tech Tools for Kids Dealing with Depression and Anxiety
The News of the Week
The start dates have been pushed back one week. There is still time to sign up!1- Adult Art-Based Trauma Therapy –
Wednesdays from 10:00am -11:30am
Beginning March 9th
2- Therapy Support Group for Parents of Children (ages 3-6) with Special Needs.
Tuesdays 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Beginning March 8th
If you are interested in joining or have any questions about either group, you can reach out to Jennifer Nadler at [email protected]
The Thought of the Week
Wishing you a peaceful week!