Here is what we know: Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, and improved mood. However, we live in a culture that overloads us with information, asks us to hustle for our downtime and expects us to find all the respite we need in our two day weekends. This is why we need to be super intentional about designing our very own soulful, restful and revitalizing practices to honor our need for rest.

We are here to help you do just that! This week we are talking about the restful practice of a sweet night's sleep :)
woman sleeping

Table of Contents

The Practice of the Week

Although sleep is something we all aim to do nightly, it can sometimes feel hard to come by. The truth is, sleep it just as important to our mental health as eating, drinking and breathing. We need to sleep to recover, not just from physical exertion, but from the mental as well.  

One fabulous technique used to find a good night’s sleep is the 4-7-8 Method. We found a great read in Vogue on how to fall asleep fast using the 4-7-8 Method. Worth checking out!

The Idea of the Week

Bedtime Rituals: For a tiny bit of science and a whole lot of personality and real talk, Kris Carr shares her 3 top tips to getting yourself into a really good sleep ritual. 

FYI: If you want to skip right to the heart of the sleep talk, start at minute 3:03. 

The News of the Week

Breathing Space has new group starting!
Our own, Linda Serrano, is going to be offering a 10 week Breathing and Mindfulness Stress Reduction Group.  We will focus on managing daily stress through learning about and experiencing intentional breathing, mindfulness, and guided meditation practices.
The group will be held weekly on Wednesdays from 10-11am.  Start date TBD.
We are gathering members now! The group will be a maximum of 8 clients.
If you are interested, please email Linda [email protected]

PS: If there is a group you would like to see offered at Breathing Space, we would love to hear from you! Please send all ideas and suggestions to Rebecca at [email protected]

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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