For the most part, multitasking is considered a “necessary part of work” in most jobs. It seems like a good way to get a lot of tasks done and to be productive, but no matter how much we may take pride in our multitasking skills, we may not be actually as good as we think we are at multitasking.

Further, this week you’ll learn how “Doing it all gets nothing done.”
-Dave Crenshaw
typing and eating pasta

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Multitasking refers to working on two or more tasks simultaneously. When we think we’re multitasking, we may actually be rapidly switching between tasks rather than simultaneously completing the tasks. Rapidly switching between tasks can actually negatively impact our productivity, contrary to the popular opinion that multitasking is essential for productivity.

In this 6-minute article, you’ll learn How Multitasking Affects Productivity and Brain Health. The article explains how multitasking is more distracting, slows you down, impairs executive function, and makes you more likely to make mistakes. You’ll also learn how the brain functions in multitaskers.

Practice of the Week

Do you think you can multitask? Try this Multitasking Exercise (6-minute video) to find out!

Most people, most of the time, cannot multitask. We tend to perform better—and experience less stress and overwhelm—when we focus on one task at a time.

So, imagine focusing on one task at a time and steadily moving through your tasks instead of juggling many tasks all at once and rushing to get each of them done…wouldn’t you feel less rushed and stressed?

This week as you work each day, consider which task you will give your 100% today.

What will you give your 100% today? Let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

Yoga Classes – Now Available!

Yoga Nidra classes with Kathryn Clark are starting February 22nd! These sessions are offered in person at breathing Space Psychotherapy in Erieville. If you’re interested in these in-person classes, contact Kathryn Clark at [email protected].

Private yoga sessions are now available! These yoga sessions are offered in person in Erieville or virtually. If you’re interested in private yoga sessions, contact Kathryn Clark at [email protected]

with Michael Diamond, Medium
Hosted by Amy Asante
In Person – Syracuse NYApril 1 & 2, 2023
There’s an awakening happening around the world. More and more modern-day intuitives, mystics, and healers are activating their intuitive abilities, stepping into their power, and becoming a light for others. We all have innate intuition – an instinctive awareness of energies, information, and guidance. However, many of us doubt it. Come explore ways to better understand what’s happening in your life and what’s to come in the future. Come explore ways to improve your intuitive abilities and how to use those skills in your everyday life.

Fee: $349 to register

What You’ll Receive
Two Live Interactive Days: Michael Diamond and Monique Lang will lead you through a 2-day live weekend workshop, including various discussions, guided meditations, breakout and group exercises, Q&A, and much, much more.
Guided Meditations: Michael and Monique will help you to reset, re-imagine, and reconnect to your intuition and enhance your meditation practice.

Alternative Payment Options are available on a case-by-case basis. Please email us at [email protected] to reserve your seat with alternative payment options.

Meditation Circle

Mondays at 7-8pm (online)
$50 for 10-week session
Starting January 30th

Join us for a weekly meditation circle, where we come together to find peace, balance, and inner calm. Our sessions are open to people of all levels of experience, and you don’t need to have any prior knowledge of meditation to participate.

Click here to register for the Meditation Circle!
Questions? Contact [email protected]

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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