Believe or not, it is incredibly beneficial to practice the labeling of our emotions. By naming the emotions, we are no longer within their grip, so to speak. Instead, we can experiece a release, more clarity and some movement. So, what exactly does this look like? Keep reading :)

The Idea of the Week

We tend to be asked the question, “How are you?”, a lot. Sometimes, even multiple times a day. Yet, how often to we answer with a quick, “good” or “fine” no matter what we are really feeling. Although this is understandable in our fast paced days and there is nothing wrong with this answer, the bigger question is…. if you were to give a true, honest answer, could you? Are you able to name how you are feeling?  

Why Labeling Emotions Matters is a great article for some background. A great follow up would be, Tame Reactive Emotions by Naming Them, giving you some clear stategy and benefits to this practice. Lastly, Stuggling to Name How You Feel? Try Using this Feelings Wheel gives us plenty to work with as we dive into this clarity building practice.   

Practice of the Week

Now let’s move into action. This Guided Meditation to Label Difficult Emotions is an opportunity to tune in to your own center and allow yoursel to give this practice a shot. 

We have mentioned Brené Brown in this newsletter before but, this is just too perfect so, here we are again.  Brené has a new book, Atlas of the Heart,  and a new docuseries on Netflix. Both of which focus on the language we use when naming how we feel and the importance this holds for us personally and in our relationships. Here is the Official Trailer so you can check out what it is all about. 

News of the Week

Upcoming Event
May 20, 2022 from 9-4
Integrating Earth-Based Practices with IFS.
In-person event in Erieville, NY $180 per person with lunch included.


For thousands of years, cultures across the world have utilized earth-based practices for healing. These rituals have a deep connection with the earth and are guided by powerful forces. These practices utilize the healing attributes of the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. This May, explore and practice how to weave these ancient practices with Internal Family Systems. In this immersive day, you will learn and experience how to utilize these practices to heal depression, trauma, anxiety, and everyday disease. Through lectures, discussions, and exercises, you will learn:

  • The basics of Internal Family Systems 
  • The properties of earth, water, fire, and air and how they can be used for healing 
  • How to connect with your personal guides, helpers, angels, and/or power animals 
  • Become aware of Legacy Burdens (also known as trans-generational transmission of trauma) and how those inform your beliefs and decisions 
  • Release any negativity that you carry.

Whether you are a clinician, coach, or simply someone seeking tools for a happier and freer way of being in the world, take home several practices and tools for embodying a new way of living.
Presented by Monique Lang, who has trained extensively in many models of psychotherapy and mindfulness, providing her with a wealth of experience to help heal the whole person—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. She has expertise in trauma treatment and taught at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy as well as other institutions of higher learning. Monique is coauthor of Journey to Wholeness, and author of Healing from Post-Traumatic Stress, and Meditations and Ceremonies for Healing.

The Thought of the Week

Your emotional awareness checklist for labeling emotion. 1) what words best describe how I'm feeling? 2) what thoughts am I having about or in response to this emotion? What physical sensations am I feeling in response to this emotion? 4) How intense is this emotion and how long does it last for? 5) What actions do I tend to take when I experience this emotion? How drastic are these actions?

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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