Did you know that there have been studies showing that the average person has more than 6,000 thoughts a day? That's a lot of thinking!

We want to partner with you in discovering new ways to process and work through our thoughts for a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Today, our focus is the tool of journaling. This is NOT a one size fits all practice. There are endless ways to to explore to find what works for you!

Table of Contents

The Practice of the Week

In an effort to provide some journaling options, we have selected two articles this week.

First, we have Discover 8 Journaling Techniques for Better Mental Health from Psychology Today where we get a taste of different methods we can explore. 

Then in How to Start a Journal: 6 Tips from Therapists to Get Started, we get new, concise ideas on setting yourself up to make journaling work for you. 

There is no right or wrong way to journal. This is yours to discover, explore and create for you.

The Idea of the Week

For those of us on the go, we found a quick podcast on the topic titled, The Power of Journaling

In this episode, you’ll discover—

  • How journaling changes what you notice day-to-day
  • Why even people who don’t like writing should journal
  • The difference journaling for just 15 minutes can make in your day
  • How it helps boost one of the most important skills of a leader

For inspiration purposes, if needed, here are some ideas that could get the ball rolling. 

mental health journaling prompts.

The News of the Week

It’s official, spread the word! Max is full time and has openings 🙂 

Also, our mindfulness groups are almost full but, good news, we have 2 more spaces for the group starting next Wed at 10am! Email [email protected] if you are interested. 

The Thought of the Week

Mental note: love thyself. Keep working on getting to know yourself better, and embrace what you find.

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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