Have you ever driven home from work but didn't remember how you got there? You made all the right turns, stopped in all the appropriate places, and drove at the right speed limit, but when you pulled into your driveway, you didn't remember any of it.

Or maybe, you zoned out during a meeting or conversation, daydreaming about your weekend plans or the movie you watched last night. Consequently, by the close of the meeting, you can't recall what anyone said.

These scenarios demonstrate a couple of everyday forms of dissociation. This week, we'll uncover the spectrum of dissociation.

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Firstly, what is dissociation? 

Dissociation is a disconnection or detachment from one’s sense of self, actions, thoughts, sensory experience, memories, feelings, or surroundings. It is a disconnection from the present moment. In this 10-minute video, Kati Morton explains what dissociation is and why it happens. 

Dissociation will look different for everyone. In this 6-minute read, Verywell Mind shares the symptoms and causes of dissociation as well as what dissociation may feel like. 

Practice of the Week

Let’s uncover the dissociation spectrum. 

First, what is normal dissociation?

Everyone experiences dissociation. It’s a normal reaction to feeling bored, overstressed, or overwhelmed. Some common experiences of mild or normal dissociation are highway hypnosis (i.e., when you “zone out” while driving), daydreaming, or “getting lost” in a book or movie such that you lose sense of your surroundings, even in the movie theatre.

Now, what are the types of abnormal dissociation? Kati Morton shares 5 dissociation types in this 15-minute video:

  1. Dissociative Amnesia
  2. Maladaptive Daydreaming
  3. Depersonalization
  4. Derealization
  5. Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder)

Next, in this 8-minute video, Jess from MultiplicityAndMe shares an excellent illustration and explanation of dissociation versus integration in Dissociative Identity Disorder. 

Finally, in this 25-minute episode, Chloe from DissociaDID shares “The Science of PTSD and Dissociation,” particularly in the context of Dissociative Identity Disorder. 

How can we manage dissociation? When everything feels unreal and we feel disconnected, how can we stay tethered to the present moment?

The answer: we can use grounding techniques, mindfulness strategies, and professional guidance from a therapist in therapy. 

Stay tuned for part 2 next week where we’ll dive deeper into the ways we can cope with dissociation!

How is your week going? Say hi to us on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

Join Tati, back by popular demand, for her next series of Family Constellations and Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshops!

In April, Tati visited the U.S. for the first time to hold workshops and healing sessions in Erieville and Fayetteville, NY, all of which had such a positive reception that people requested more! Join Tati for her return in October and the next series of workshops and healing sessions.

Tati owns a healing and psychotherapy practice working with sacred plant medicine, ancestral healing, and art therapy in her home in Ecuador.

Family Constellations is a type of therapeutic approach that focuses on exploring the dynamics within a person’s family system, including their relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members, even ancestors. This approach can be used to address a variety of issues, such as relationship difficulties, emotional blocks, and unresolved traumas.

This workshop involves a group of participants who come together to explore their own family dynamics through a series of exercises and discussions led by our facilitator, Tatian Davila, a psychotherapist, healer, and seeker of ancestral knowledge. Tati will offer 2 workshops as well as individual healings. The workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio in Erieville, NY.

The Family Constellations Workshop will be held on October 28, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm. 

The Sharing of Ancestral Knowledge Workshop will be held on October 29, 2023, from 10 am to 4 pm.
Both workshops will be held at Breathing Space Studio
3455 Erieville Road
Erieville, NY 13061

Individual Healing Sessions will be held in Fayetteville, NY from October 30th through November 3rd.

Register here!

You asked for more; we delivered! Back by Popular Demand:
Unlock Your Mind and Journey to Self Discovery at Our Summer Ketamine-Assisted Experiential Psychotherapy Retreat

Our first KAP retreat in April had such a positive reception and requests for more that we’re excited to share our Summer KAP Retreat in August!

One Ketamine Journey—lots of deep dives into experiential therapy incorporating meditation, writing, art making, yoga, and other body-centered modalities. Step away from the stressors of daily life and fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process. We will use Ketamine and experiential therapy to break through the stuck places to find more freedom, pace, and motivation!
Zoom Preparation Session: Thursday, July 27th from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Thursday, August 3rd from 6-9 pm.
In-person: Friday, August 4th from 10-6 pm.
In-person: Saturday, August 5th from 9-5 pm.
Zoom Integration Session: Thursday, August 10th from 6-8 pm.

Register here!

Want to learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? Check out the blog

Facing Mortality
Facing our mortality can be a daunting task that may come with many fears and feelings that are difficult to process. 
Join Jahleh Mohammadi, who will be facilitating A Death and Dying Processing and Support Group for adults who live with a terminal illness or condition where they are unsure of their life span. 

If you want to reduce fears of death and dying and focus more on living, join Jahleh Mohammadi’s Death and Dying Processing and Support Group, where you will have opportunities for open discussion and process activities in a group. Check out the flyer for more info.

Cost: $25/group, 8 weeks total
When: Tuesdays 12-1:30 pm, starting July 11th, 2023, and ending August 29th, 2023. 
Where: Zoom

To register for this processing and support group, call 315-202-1514 or email [email protected]

New Meditation Session!
Mondays 7:30-8:30pm online
$50 for 10 sessions

We are offering another guided meditation! Perfect for beginners! Join us for a guided meditation and journal session.

Psychedelic Integration Facilitator Training

Are you looking to offer a growing list of plant medicines to clients and others? Want to support clients through decision-making about out-of-country psychedelic retreats or integrate past psychedelic experiences?

Join John McIlwain in this workshop training, you’ll learn:

  • How to prepare yourself for holding space;
  • The history of plant medicines;
  • The ethics of plant medicine work;
  • How to create a safe and effective space;
  • How to work with the medicine;
  • How to screen possible participants and the ground rules for participants;
  • How to hold the ceremony space and handle extreme reactions;
  • How to integrate the experiences afterward.

The workshop will be held at the Breathing Space Studio in Erieville, NY on
Thursday, June 8th from 5 to 8pm
Friday and Saturday June 9th and 10th from 10 to 5pm.

Register here!

We’re hiring!
Are you a NY Licenced Mental Health Counselor? Or, do you know anyone who is? Send them our way because we’re hiring!

Would you enjoy working with a collaborative team of enthusiastic clinicians?
Are you curious about new therapy modalities?
Do you want control over your schedule so your life can be balanced?
Are you looking for opportunities to expand your skills by leading groups, facilitating workshops, or supervising interns/Limited Permits?

YES? Then check out our website for more details!

The Thought of the Week

Dissociation or depersonalization feelings: 1) feel that the world around you is unreal, 2) see the world as foggy or lifeless, 3) feel that you are watching yourself from the outside, 4) feel disconnected from your body or your emotions, 5) feel that you are carrying out actions but are not in control, 6) struggle to feel present and often become detached. credit: @21andsensory

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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