The holiday season is the time we’re told we’re allowed to “relax” and spend time with family, yet it tends to be busy, and often before we can catch our breath, we return to work.

Whether you find comfort in or feel stressed about returning to work, have you taken the moment to pause and check in on how you’re doing after the switch? Let’s take this moment together to pause and check in on ourselves.
woman holding a glass of drink

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Checking in with ourselves means we mindfully engage in self-reflection. It asks us to be in the present by

  • noticing our current experiences, sensations, and situation,
  • acknowledging and listening to what shows up in our thoughts and body, and.
  • letting go of what happened before and what may happen later.

Once we have brought ourselves to the present, we can take the moment to ask ourselves questions and listen to our answers. You can ask and answer by

  • journaling by typing on a computer or phone, writing with pen and paper, or using text-to-speech features;
  • asking/answering yourself aloud;
  • asking/answering yourself in your head;
  • signing to yourself;
  • asking/answering your reflection in a mirror;
  • asking parts of yourself (e.g. asking the part of you that feels anxious or stressed or overwhelmed);
  • answering by talking to your pets;
  • answering by talking to stuffed animals or other inanimate objects that bring you comfort;
  • answering yourself in the language and method that feels comfortable for you (even if it seems unconventional).

Practice of the Week

This 3-minute read shares 20 prompts on being present, gratitude, dealing with change, and navigating difficult situations:

  1. How are you feeling right now?
  2. How can I express my gratitude today?
  3. Am I fighting life or inviting life?
  4. Is the stress in my life accumulating from a lack of play?
  5. In what ways am I avoiding my truth?
  6. Is there something I did or a quality I have that I can acknowledge and appreciate?
  7. What is the most loving and supportive thing I can do for myself right now?
  8. Is there a boundary I can communicate as a way to respect my own needs?
  9. When I listen to my body, what does it need? A deep breath? Movement? Nourishment? Rest?
  10. Can I do this on my own? If not, who can I reach out to for connection and/or to ask for help?
  11. What am I holding onto? And would it benefit me to let it go?
  12. I’m excited to focus on…
  13. I will create space from…
  14. Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
  15. What can I do to take care of myself today?
  16. Are there any repetitive thoughts that I’ve been attached to that are no longer serving me? Can I give myself permission to let these go?
  17. What can I forgive myself for? and offer forgiveness to?
  18. What can I do to feel sassy, sexy, and powerful right now?
  19. When is the last time I have moved my body with intention? (Gone for a walk, danced, run etc.)
  20. Have I taken a moment to come home to my breath today?

How is the new year going? Let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page!

News of the Week

Yoga Classes – Now Available!Private yoga sessions are now available! These yoga sessions are offered in-person in Erieville or virtually. If you’re interested in private yoga sessions, contact Katherine Clark at [email protected]

Meditation Circle
Mondays at 7-8pm (online)
$50 for 10-week session
Starting January 30th

Join us for a weekly meditation circle, where we come together to find peace, balance, and inner calm. Our sessions are open to people of all levels of experience, and you don’t need to have any prior knowledge of meditation to participate.

Click here to register for the Meditation Circle!
Questions? Contact [email protected]

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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