What is a Check-In? To check in with yourself means to mindfully engage in self-reflection. We may ask ourselves a question and look inward for the answer. Or, we may simply observe sensations, feelings, and thoughts within our mind and body. |
Befriend Your Body
- What is something I did today to take care of my body?
- Imagine your body as your best friend, what would you say to them?
- How did I practice positive self-talk today?
Relationship with Social Media
- Regarding my social media homepages, which accounts am I following that truly inspire me?
- Which ones do I enjoy seeing on my homepage and why?
- Which ones do I not enjoy seeing on my homepage and why?
- Which ones am I following simply because they’re popular?
- What social media platforms do I regularly consume? How do I feel about each of these platforms?
- Do I really enjoy using this platform?
- Is there a way I can change something about my interaction on this platform so I have a healthier relationship with this platform?
- Does this platform truly bring me any positivity?
- What did I do to set and maintain my boundaries around social media today?
- How do I feel about my social media usage today?
Motivation vs. Discipline
- How have I practiced self-discipline today? How can I practice self-discipline tomorrow?
- Have I procrastinated something today? If I did, what about the task triggered avoidant behaviors?
Support System
- Who is in my support system? Who can I go to for support?
Grief and Loss
- Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by pain, regret, guilt, or despair, I will repeat this mantra: …
Check in with Yourself
- How am I feeling today? What’s not working for me? What is working for me? What do I need, or what are my needs right now? What am I proud of? What do I need to let go of?
- What’s bothering me today? What feels bad, unsettling, or uncomfortable? Is there something I can do about it?
- If so, what are the steps I need to take to resolve this feeling/situation?
- If not, then what can I do to cope and help me process these emotions throughout this difficult situation?
- What did I do today to take care of my mental well-being?
The Art of Giving and Receiving Compliments
- Did I compliment somebody today? Did I receive a compliment today?
- If so, how did I feel afterward?
- If not, what held me back from giving a compliment?
- How did receiving a compliment make me feel? How did I respond?
- A memory of today that I would like to remember is…
- What would I like to do to unwind at the end of the day?
- What did I do today to cope with or alleviate my stress or anxiety?
- How did I immerse myself in green space today?
- What made me smile today?
Bonus Prompt
This bonus prompt is a team favorite at Breathing Space: What is my win or something I did for self-care this week?