We’ve covered a lot of topics in our newsletters, and it can understandably feel overwhelming to learn how to care for our mental health. Occasionally, we need to pause, breathe, and absorb what we’ve learned by looking inward.

Table of Contents

What is a Check-In?
To check in with yourself means to mindfully engage in self-reflection. 

We may ask ourselves a question and look inward for the answer. Or, we may simply observe sensations, feelings, and thoughts within our mind and body. 

Befriend Your Body

  1. What is something I did today to take care of my body?
  2. Imagine your body as your best friend, what would you say to them?
  3. How did I practice positive self-talk today?

Relationship with Social Media

  1. Regarding my social media homepages, which accounts am I following that truly inspire me?
    1. Which ones do I enjoy seeing on my homepage and why?
    2. Which ones do I not enjoy seeing on my homepage and why?
    3. Which ones am I following simply because they’re popular?
  2. What social media platforms do I regularly consume? How do I feel about each of these platforms?
    1. Do I really enjoy using this platform? 
    2. Is there a way I can change something about my interaction on this platform so I have a healthier relationship with this platform? 
    3. Does this platform truly bring me any positivity?
  3. What did I do to set and maintain my boundaries around social media today?
  4. How do I feel about my social media usage today? 

Motivation vs. Discipline

  1. How have I practiced self-discipline today? How can I practice self-discipline tomorrow?


  1. Have I procrastinated something today? If I did, what about the task triggered avoidant behaviors?

Support System

  1. Who is in my support system? Who can I go to for support?

Grief and Loss

  1. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by pain, regret, guilt, or despair, I will repeat this mantra: … 

Check in with Yourself

  1. How am I feeling today? What’s not working for me? What is working for me? What do I need, or what are my needs right now? What am I proud of? What do I need to let go of? 
  2. What’s bothering me today? What feels bad, unsettling, or uncomfortable? Is there something I can do about it?
    1. If so, what are the steps I need to take to resolve this feeling/situation?
    2. If not, then what can I do to cope and help me process these emotions throughout this difficult situation?
  3. What did I do today to take care of my mental well-being?

The Art of Giving and Receiving Compliments

  1. Did I compliment somebody today? Did I receive a compliment today?
    1. If so, how did I feel afterward?
    2. If not, what held me back from giving a compliment?
    3. How did receiving a compliment make me feel? How did I respond?


  1. A memory of today that I would like to remember is…
  2. What would I like to do to unwind at the end of the day?
  3. What did I do today to cope with or alleviate my stress or anxiety?
  4. How did I immerse myself in green space today? 
  5. What made me smile today?

Bonus Prompt

This bonus prompt is a team favorite at Breathing Space: What is my win or something I did for self-care this week?


How about a little sunshine in your inbox?

Now What?

Share your wins with us over on our Instagram or Facebook page or in the comments below!

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How about a little sunshine in your inbox?

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