Have you ever established a goal and felt excited to start, but as the days go on, you lost the motivation to continue pursuing your goal? Perhaps life got in the way or you didn't have enough energy—even though it's something you still want to achieve. As a result, you dropped the pursuit of your goal, and it now remains as a dream or a far-off distant goal you may or may not achieve one day.

If you've experienced this, then let us propose an alternative strategy to achieving your goals: self-discipline.
remember why you started

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Motivation (a 7-minute read) is described as a driving force for behaviors, especially goal-oriented actions. Motivation can be extrinsic (an outside force that drives behavior, offering external rewards such as money, grades, or praise) or intrinsic (an internal force that drives behavior, offering some level of personal reward). It’s our “why” we engage in a particular behavior. 

Understanding your motivation to do something is important because it can help you feel in control of your life, understand your values, and encourage you to take action. However, motivation fluctuates and sometimes we lose motivation to pursue our goals.

So, how can we pursue our goals when we lose our motivation? 

We develop self-discipline. 

Whereas motivation is fleeting and fluctuating, self-discipline (a 7-minute read; this article refers to improving “self-control”) is long-lasting and more consistent. It is the collection of your habits that you cultivate. Self-discipline will carry you through the process of achieving your goals when motivation is low.

Practice of the Week

Motivation can be difficult to hold onto particularly for individuals with ADHD. In this 7-minute video, you’ll learn about the “motivation bridge” and ways “to fill in the planks” where there are gaps in your motivation bridge.

In this 12-minute video, you’ll learn step-by-step How to Build Self-Discipline using the Mindset Method, first, by reframing discipline as an act of self-love, then by building a system to start and sustain habits, and ending with building up your willpower by using “discomfort training.”

Remember that self-discipline is like a muscle: it’ll strengthen the more you practice!

News of the Week

Caitlin Raab and Kayla Hamilton offer individual therapy on a sliding scale. Read their blurbs below to learn more about what they offer!

Caitlin Raab (she/her) approaches sessions with a focus on introspection, mindfulness, and relaxation strategies. She also focuses on parent and post-partum support, child and teen mental health, and anxiety management.
To learn more about Caitlin, check out her page at breathingspacepsychotherapy.com/caitlin!

Kayla Hamilton (she/her) has an eclectic approach and, most importantly, approaches sessions with where you are at. She focuses on anxiety, life changes and transitions, adolescents and teens, and communication issues.
To learn more about Kayla, check out her page at breathingspacepsychotherapy.com/kayla!

The Heart of Intuition
Discovering the treasure of your own intuition

Michael DiamondOctober 22- 23, 2022
Breathing Space Studio, Erieville, NY – limited to 16 participants

There’s an awakening happening around the world. More and more modern-day intuitives, mystics, and healers are activating their intuitive abilities, stepping into their power, and becoming a light for others. Can you feel that energy, that connectivity, that anticipation? That’s because you have innate intuition within you—an innate awareness and Divine wisdom that’s waiting to be discovered. It’s time for you to truly embrace it and discover the treasure of your own intuition. Come explore ways to better understand what’s happening in your life and what’s to come in the future. Learn how to hear the powerful messages from your very own intuitive heart. To register and/or find out more about Michaelhttps://www.michaeldiamondmedium.com/

Don’t forget to register for our other groups! Registration is still open for Mother’s Light, which is a postpartum support group, and our Anxiety Group for Middle School Girls. Check out the flyers to learn more about these groups. 

Anxiety Group for Middle School Girls

This group is for girls from ages 11-14 who are experiencing anxiety and worries that are affecting their everyday lives. In this group, clients will be able to gain a better understanding of what anxiety is and how it affects their minds and bodies. They will also learn a variety of ways to work through these feelings. Clients will be able to connect with others who are having similar experiences and gain support from peers through these challenges.
Contact [email protected] for more information.

Mother’s Light

To register for this group, please contact Caitlin at [email protected]

Have an idea for a group you would like to see? Send your requests in an email to [email protected] with the subject “Group Ideas.”

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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