The holidays are often depicted as a happy, joyous, and festive time of the year spent with loved ones. But, the holidays aren't always a wonderful time. It can be a difficult, sad, stressful, or anxious time for many people. If you're experiencing grief this holiday season, you're not alone.

"you are not a grinch,
you're in grief."

-David Kessler
woman covering her eyes

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

Just as there is no right or wrong way to grieve, there is no right or wrong time to grieve. It is okay to grieve during the holidays. Remember, grief is personal, and grief is a process. 

This 5-minute read from VeryWellMind shares how to support a loved one who is grieving, how to remember your loved one when you’re grieving during the holidays, how to lean into support when you’re grieving, and tips for processing grief. 

Supporting a loved one who is grieving can feel awkward and difficult. You want to help and be supportive, but you may not know how, or you’re worried about saying or doing the wrong thing. Megan Devine wrote an essay about 11 Things to Do When You’re Not Sure How to Help a Grieving Friend (a 7-minute read). Remember: “Some things can’t be fixed. They can only be carried” (RefugeinGrief).

Practice of the Week

The holidays can be a taxing time, especially for those who are grieving. As we move through this holiday season, we urge you to engage in self-care routinely, so you can lessen your stress. Here is a list of ideas for engaging in self-care on your grief journey

This 7-minute read shares 28 Ways to Cope with Grief During the Holiday Season. One coping tip we would like to highlight is to give yourself permission to feel your feelings as they show up. It is okay to experience sadness in one moment and then feel the holiday cheer in the next. Your feelings are valid. Also, in the same vein is to not resist the grief

“Resistance to grief increases suffering and can even go as far as to expand it to the point of distorting what the holidays can offer us in the here and now. [… When we resist the grief, it allows] the holidays [to] take on a focus of avoidance, losing the light that they may still offer us.”
– Mark Bigley, LCSW

How are you preparing for the holiday season? Let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page!

Meditation of the Week

Celebrating the holidays when you’re in the process of grieving is challenging. You don’t need to set aside your grief and don the holiday cheer. Allow yourself to feel your feelings as they come up. Your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to process grief during the holidays. 

To that end, Caitlin, one of our interns, has offered this meditation on grief to help you notice where your grief is being stored in your body and process it.

News of the Week

Yoga Classes

Would you be interested in attending a yoga class at the Breathing Space Studio in Erieville? Let us know by filling out this short survey

Please note that Meg Tobin, LMHC will be on vacation from 11/24 to 12/6.

Please also note that we had to cancel the Reiki Immersion and Sound Bath Healing Workshop, but we will look to provide this workshop in the new year, so stay tuned!

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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