Giving and receiving compliments is hard—and can feel a little bit awkward—but it is a skill we should practice. This week, we'll look at what we gain when we give compliments and how we can become better compliment-givers and -receivers.
girl smiling

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

When we give compliments, we give a little dose of happiness—to the person we gift the compliment and, also, to ourselves. When we often tell people what we admire about them, we:

  1. Learn to shift our focus out of negativity
  2. Cultivate gratitude
  3. Cultivate a supportive network
  4. Overpower envy
  5. Cultivate mindfulness
  6. Develop self-confidence
  7. Improve emotional well-being

Practice of the Week

This week, we’ll learn how to give and receive compliments.

In this 10-minute video, Helen Lin talks about The Lost Art of Giving and Receiving Compliments. Helen explains why giving compliments is important: it builds our relationships. Then, Helen shares what makes a good compliment and how we should receive a compliment.

But, receiving compliments can be particularly difficult: we may feel awkward, embarrassed, or uncomfortable when we receive a compliment. Maybe we feel this way because we don’t know how to react: we don’t want to be seen as “stuck up” nor do we want to be put in the spotlight. In this 14-minute podcast, Gloria Zhang shares how we can Start Accepting Compliments (because when we reject compliments, we are rejecting someone’s gift to us).

News of the Week

Melissa Compton LCAT, LPMHC has joined our staff!
Melissa offers art therapy in addition to traditional talk therapy and offers play therapy for children. She is now taking new clients in person in our Erieville office on Saturdays and via telehealth on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Please call 315.516.8644 to request an appointment with Melissa!

The Thought of the Week

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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