Humans are social creatures. We make numerous types of connections with others throughout our lives: familial relationships, friendships, romantic partners, professional relationships with co-workers, and friendly relationships with our community; we even create connections with animals and our pets, plus we can have connections with others, not only in-person, but online as well!

Connecting with others is a basic human need, but sometimes it's difficult to take the first step to reach out or connect with someone.

So, this week, we're learning how to build healthy, meaningful relationships!
two couples smiling at each other

Table of Contents

The Idea of the Week

You’ve heard about the red flags of a relationship before, but have you heard about the green flags of a relationship?

The red flags indicate that a relationship is bad, toxic, or unhealthy and it’s likely time we should walk away from the relationship because the person probably can’t have a healthy relationship (here is a 5-minute read from Verywell Mind if you would like to learn more about red flags and even yellow flags). 

On the other hand, green flags indicate a healthy relationship. In this 6-minute read, you’ll learn about 16 green flags of a healthy, meaningful relationship. One of the most important green flags of a relationship is that you feel good about the other person and the relationship—you enjoy being around them. 

In this 30-minute podcast by The Adult Chair with Michelle Chalfant, you’ll learn 8 traits of a healthy relationship that you can look for and aspire to create in your relationships. You’ll also learn what an apology is and isn’t, how to have honest, open communication, and some relationship truths to live by. 

Practice of the Week

Building healthy, meaningful relationships isn’t always easygoing, but this doesn’t mean that these relationships aren’t worth the effort. Relationships take work, and the most important skill that you will need is honest, open communication. 

How can we maintain honest, open communication in a relationship? One tip Michelle Chalfant shared in the podcast is to set a time each week to meet up, hang out, and most importantly, check in with your loved ones.

During this check-in, create the space to communicate and listen without judgment. Use this space to asses how each person is doing emotionally, what each other’s needs are, how each person can be there for the other, and ways you can connect and enjoy each other’s presence in the coming week (perhaps by making plans for fun activities you both enjoy to do together). 

Additionally, try these 6 tips for building stronger relationships (a 3-minute read):

  1. Embrace each other’s differences
  2. Consider their perspective
  3. Solve problems as a team
  4. Ask for what you want and be equally ready to listen to their desires
  5. Try something new together
  6. Talk about your goals and dreams.

News of the Week

Save the Dates!

We will have a forest bathing walk on November 20, 3-5 pm. 
We will also have a sound bath Ricci immersion on December 3, 3:30-5 pm. 
More details to come!

Caitlin Raab and Kayla Hamilton offer individual therapy on a sliding scale. Read their blurbs below to learn more about what they offer!

Caitlin Raab (she/her) approaches sessions with a focus on introspection, mindfulness, and relaxation strategies. She also focuses on parent and post-partum support, child and teen mental health, and anxiety management.
To learn more about Caitlin, check out her page at!

Kayla Hamilton (she/her) has an eclectic approach and, most importantly, approaches sessions with where you are at. She focuses on anxiety, life changes and transitions, adolescents and teens, and communication issues.
To learn more about Kayla, check out her page at!

Don’t forget to register for our groups! Registration is still open for our Anxiety Group for Middle School Girls; and The Heart of Intuition, a group to help you explore your intuition. We also have a new Divorce Support Group for Women! Check out the flyers to learn more about these groups.

Divorce Support Group for Women

$50 per session
Some insurances accepted. Limited sliding scale spaces available.

To enroll, please call
(315) 516-8466

If you have any questions, you can email Caitlin at [email protected]

Anxiety Group for Middle School Girls

This group is HYBRID. You can join online or in-person at the Breathing Space Studio in Erieville!

To register or learn more about this group,
please contact Kayla at [email protected].

The Heart of Intuition
Discovering the treasure of your own intuition

Michael Diamond

October 22- 23, 2022
Breathing Space Studio, Erieville, NY – limited to 16 participants

There’s an awakening happening around the world. More and more modern-day intuitives, mystics, and healers are activating their intuitive abilities, stepping into their power, and becoming a light for others. Can you feel that energy, that connectivity, that anticipation? That’s because you have innate intuition within you—an innate awareness and Divine wisdom that’s waiting to be discovered. It’s time for you to truly embrace it and discover the treasure of your own intuition. Come explore ways to better understand what’s happening in your life and what’s to come in the future. Learn how to hear the powerful messages from your very own intuitive heart.

To register and/or find out more about Michael

Have an idea for a group you would like to see? Send your requests in an email to [email protected] with the subject “Group Ideas.”

The Thought of the Week

Healthy relationships have accountability, safety, honesty, support, cooperation, and trust.

Wishing you a peaceful week!


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Breathing Space Psychotherapy logo includes the triskelion symbol with 3 waving lines in the middle. The logo's color is green.

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